After the visit

After the visit you can do the chronological diagram mentioned in the previous section, or if it is already done, you can complete it with the information given during the visit. It would be better to work in a group. In any case, the diagram should include dates related to the next technological innovations:

  • Electronic calculators
  • Punched cards
  • Digital computers
  • Integrated circuits
  • Personal computer
  • Internet

Those groups who made the chronological diagram before the visit can complete it with this information.

The reflection again, now after the visit to the exhibition

According to the dates and events that are shown in the diagram, you could establish a dialogue between the members of the group with questions like: what was the most surprising thing? When were the computers invented? When was the first time the personal computers were used?

For the last activity, everyone who participated in the visit must write either a letter via ordinary mail to the Museum of Computing or an e-mail to ( In the letter, you will have to write what you have learned during the visit, like:

  • What do you know now that you did not know before the visit?
  • Which has been the most interesting discovery?
  • Do you want to study some university degree or to attend some training course related to computing?
  • How much do you think the information recorded in a hard drive costs? How much money would you be willing to pay for it?
  • How could we use technology in order to help change the world? In which areas of society should we prioritize its use?
  • What will happen in the future of computing?
  • How the relation between technology and environment should be? Currently, are these issues managed properly?
  • Which is the role of the market in the use of computing? Do we rationally use technology in society?