The Museum of Informatics of the School of Informatics of the Universitat Politècnica de València provides a journey through the last decades of computing history. The museum was opened on December 11th 2001 and it has increased its funds thanks to donations of individuals and both public and private institutions.
Some museographic funds were used on the 40 years of computing exhibition, held in 2006. In addition, this entity organizes cultural activities like temporary exhibitions, speeches and monograph contests about the history, evolution and future of the computing.
IIn May 13th 2013, the Museum of Informatics was officially recognized as an official museum of the Valencian Community by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports in the resolution published in the DOCV in May 28th 2013.
Finally, it should be pointed out that the Museum of Informatics is integrated into the International Council of Museums (ICOM), since 2015. The ICOM is an international organization of museums and professionals aimed to the preservation, maintenance and communication of the cultural and natural heritage of the world, present and future, tangible and intangible. Established in 1946, ICOM is a non-govermental organization (NGO), which mantains the formal relation with UNESCO and has a status of advisory body at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.