Original Title: Obsequium. Un relato cultural, tecnológico y emocional de La Abadía del Crimen
Author: Jaume Esteve Gutiérrez
ISBN: 9788461695355
Review: There is no game from the Golden Era of Spanish software which stirs debate more than The Abbey of Crime, and Obsequium was written in order to provide its followers – and why not? Also its detractors -, enough elements to be able to study this game from different approaches. What was the background when the game was launched? Was it a good adaptation of The Name of the Rose? Why Juan Decán fought so hard to include this controversial camera system? Was the code set by Paco Menéndez a brilliant idea or a nonsense in binary code? How was it received by the press? And among gamers? How far has come its legacy in videogames and social fields? These and other questions will be discussed here. This book was coordinated by Jaume Esteve, also José Manuel Braña Álvarez, Enrique Colinet, José Manuel Fernández, Antonio Giner, José Antonio Morales, Juan Manuel Moreno, Manuel Pazos y José Luis Sanz have contributed to the elaboration of the text

Obsequium. Un relato cultural, tecnológico y emocional de La Abadía del Crimen
Posted in Books.