
  • RetroProgramming
    Have you ever wanted to know how a computer was programmed in the 80s? This is your chance! The Museum of Computing and ACM UPV Chapter invite you to attend a conference where you could learn to program with an operative AMSTRAD CPC and be able to know all its curiosities. Have you ever heard… Read more: RetroProgramming
  • ScracthDay
    ¡¡ SCRATCH DAY 2020 !! Bienvenido a la página oficial del Scratch Day del Museo de Informática de la ETSINF. ¡¡ Diviértete Programando !! Ven a programar y jugar con nosotros. Debido a las condiciones especiales que estamos viviendo por motivo al COVID-19, el taller está dirigido exclusivamente a los alumnos del primer curso del… Read more: ScracthDay