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Category Archives: Museum News
El disseny dels records
On Wednesday, May 11, 2022, in the exhibition area of the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Informàtica (ETSINF), espai.inf (ground floor building 1E), the exhibition “El disseny dels records” was inaugurated in which they collaborate the Museu d’Informàtica, l’ETSINF and the Creari research group of the University of Valencia (UV).
It is a sample of 20 artistic installations, in which the students of the Faculty of Teaching have reflected on memories, memory, learning and technology, all taking into account that Valencia is this year, world capital of Design . The exhibition is curated by Ricard Huerta, Professor of Artistic Education at the UV and Daniela Gil, vice-director of International Relations and Culture at ETSINF. It has the collaboration of the research artist Ramona Rodríguez, a specialist in sound art.
Temporal exposition at espai.inf
As part of the contents of RetróPolis Valencia 2022 #RPV2022, this year we have set up a temporary exhibition to pay tribute to The Golden Age of Spanish Software, with a collection of banners as information panels on various key figures in the development of that time of creative and cultural explosion. In addition, the exhibition is completed with a program of audiovisual projections that will serve to offer a more dynamic perspective of the aforementioned exhibition. Specifically, in the mornings we will screen the documentary “The Golden Age of Spanish Soft” (Digital Satellite Channel C:) while in the afternoon the documentary film “Micro Men”, produced by the BBC, will be broadcast as a posthumous tribute to Sir Clive Sinclair (along with the 40th anniversary of his ZX Spectrum), who would thus offer the breeding ground to make that “Golden Age” flourish in our country.